Diego Aquino – Election 2021



  1. Nerd Lab’s Social Triumph: Diego Aquino Secures Victory with Unprecedented Community Connection
  2. The election season in Encarnación – Paraguay, brought with it a wave of change, and at the forefront of this transformation was Diego Aquino, a newly elected city councilor. We spearheaded an innovative campaign that honed in on the power of social media and forged a profound connection with the underprivileged.

Unprecedented Access: Into the Heart of the Community


Nerd Lab’s commitment to genuine connection led to groundbreaking initiatives. The team ventured into the city’s most dangerous favela and the largest landfill in the region, conducting interviews alongside the elected candidate. This initiative aimed to give a voice to those working on the fringes of society, ensuring their concerns and aspirations were heard. By engaging with residents in these areas, the team sought to understand their needs, address their concerns, and build a campaign that truly represented the diverse voices within the community.

Community Connection: The Key to Victory

Diego Aquino’s victory wasn’t just about securing votes; it was about fostering a genuine connection with the community. By giving a voice to those often ignored, the campaign resonated on a deeply emotional level. The people saw themselves represented in Diego Aquino, a candidate who not only listened but took meaningful action based on their insights.

Unveiling the Numbers: A Triumph Beyond Expectations

The election results spoke volumes about the success of this unconventional campaign. Diego Aquino emerged victorious, a testament to the transformative power of community engagement, digital storytelling, and the commitment to giving voice to the unheard.

The legacy of this campaign will endure, paving the way for a new era in political representation—one where every voice, no matter how marginalized, contributes to the vibrant tapestry of community governance.

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